The historic city of Abeokuta, which is about 100 kilo metres from Lagos stands at a height about 300ft, above sea level. It has a hot, humid climate and an average annual rainfall of 47 inches. With an urban population of about half a million, the town is set amidst a group of granite rocks of pre-cambrian formation, the central one of which is the famous Olumo Rock, Abeokuta (meaning under the Rock) derives its name from the Rock. The Rock is sacred in Abeokuta history as the place where the first settlers found refuge from their attackers.
To the Egbas, Olumo Rock stands not only as a I1'lOnument of faith in unity, but also a source of national strength and unfailing protection and sustenance from the Suprema Being who led their ancestors through the perplexities of life safely to Abeokuta. This refuge marked the end of their wanderings and struggles for existence. It marked the focal point of their 'promised land' where they were free from incessant persecution and fears of annihilation.
The main body of the Egbas that settled at the present site around 1830 gave the name Abeokuta to the town around Olufimo later shortened to Olumo ('the Lord built if). From that time onwards)he Egbas have regarded the Olumo Rock as their protection shrine, and so makG annual sacrifices to its deity. The original home of the Egbas had been in the Egba Forests and Farms from where they dispersed. Olumo Rock thus became the rallying point when the Egbas re-grouped at Abeokuta.
*** The New look Olumo rock recently upgraded to an international standard by Otungba Gbenga Daniel .
The importance of Olumo Rock to the Egbas is conveyed in the saying that 'Abeokuta' was the gift of the Olumo as Egypt of the 'Nile'. This is said to agree with the predictions of the If a Oracle which when consulted, tlad assured the Egbas that they would become a great nation under Olumo's protection. Today, the Egbas demonstrate their pride in their origin by singing annually in its honour a special ,anthem captioned "I SHALL· REJOICE ON THE OLUiMO ROCK".
Placed inside the Rock and worshipped annually by women is the 'Orisa Igun: The celebration lasts thirty days during which goats, rams etc .. are scarificed./There is also the regularly performed traditional ceremony marking the commencement of yam harvesting season at the Rock site. The Olumo Rock feature so prominently in the national life of the Egbas that no programme of any 'national' celebration is ever regarded as complete without being preceded by the booming of guns by the traditional hunters from the top of Olumo Rock. Those who believe that Olumo can change their lives for the better go privately to make sacrifices to the deity.
Many tales of mystery have been told about events that took place in the vicinity of the Rock. It was once said that when an attempt was made to blast the Rock, pus and blood gushed out, and the spot was quickly sealed up. There is infact a cemented spot right on the peak. There is an iron with a mark of an equal-armed cross driven down into the rock. The area around it is well cemented with A.T. 3 written on it. It has also been claimed that the removal of the parsonage of the Holy Trinity Church, Ikereku, from its location near the foot of the Rock was due to incessant molestations of the place by all sorts of 'imps'from the Rock at night. There was, indeed, a true occasion-Lisabi feast of Unity and cooperation when Oba Ademola II entertained prominent Egbas in 1930 and dedicated the Rock once more as a monument of faith, perseverance and patriotism.
Olumo, a massive outcrop of granitic rocks, is located off Alatise betvlJeen Ikija and Ikereku neighbour hoods. Olumo, however, is unique among other outcrops because 0'Its historical importance. The I,ighest point on Olumo is
about 137 metres above the sea level. It offers a natural bulwark against invasions from the Western or Eastern sides. With Ogun River in the West, that side was considered by the first refugees as security proof.
The big cave is about twenty feet long and twenty-five feet wide. It has slab-like stones which appear as seats used by the ancient dwellers, it could have been a Hall or Conference Room. Another cave -some twenty metres long and seventeen metres wide-appears to be
the dwelling place.lt has five built-in rooms with a long corridor used variously as a sitting room, kitchen and store. At the east-end there is another big cave cut with mud walls into ar:l outer and an inner chamber. This is used as a shrine by the devotees of Orisa Igun (God of Longevity) .
Visftors'to Olumo Rock can be conducted round and to the top of the Rock by the young men who guard and watch the place as the 'Keeper' of Olumo Shrine. Relics of materials used by the early settlers are preserved in a sort of small museum by the Rock side. There is a motorable road and gates leading into the yard of the Rock. Toilet facilities are available for visitors who can also take advantage of nearby hotels. The State Government has declared its efforts to develop Olumo Rock to meet international standard.
The Olumo Rock before it was uplifted to an international standard by the Otunba Gbenga Daniel Administration.