What kind of Leadership do we need in Government, for Youth, for Families & Businesses?
When Actors, Businesses push big numbers around, money ∧ try to peddle influence, Youth Need Leadership that can say, "No".
Youths Need Leadership that can set goals for the future of Self Reinforcing Native Indigenous Ancestral Community of Well Being.
Communities ∧ Families Need Leadership that meet NEED instead of attrating what Criminals "Want".
When there are immediate NEEDS in any Community of Youth, Families impoverished while there's no Legal Or Economic Justification for Poverty, Youth, Families & Communities need Action, not talk.
You can teach a Young person how to speak in front of crowds on any topic, but a Leader is one who knows how to solve problems.
Constitutional Governments exist to provide for basic needs as entitlements that assure self sustainable KID SAFE Self Reinforcing Native Indigenous Ancestral Communities of Well Being.
Leaders that want to be acknowledged aren't focused on solving problems & most often distract those who are otherwise employed to solve problems.
This type of Leader is called many names, most of those sound like Egoist or Populist. They go about trying to gain attention in any Community while expressly trying to diminish the stature those established Community Leaders.
Native Indigenous Ancestral Leadership acknowledges Community Leadership, shows respect to those in the Community or Organization with Seniority & makes sure to enhance the importance of Community Leaders already in place rather than position or posture as a better leader.
We ought to build Communities with Leadership that wants to Reinforce Native Indigenous Ancestral Communities of Well Being, the Native Inidgenous Ancestral Traditions & Languages.
Many Native Indigenous Ancestries reinforce the Natural way of Commerce, Family & Community well being naturally.
When there are too many distractions, choices, & Foreign influences try to gain dominance without anything more than money this influence attacks Native Indigenous Ancestral Communities which regulate the Natural Resources by virtue of being a Functioning Problem Solving Community.
When someone invests money in a person with the intent to re-shaping a Land or a People without respeact for the Native Indigeous Ancestry, Values or Community Traditions & Constitutional Governance, they don't intend to solve problems.
Have you found people who Solve Problems in your Community that need to be in Leadership Positions in Government?
Have you done a review of Leadership In Office & checked to see if they've been solving problems or if they've simply been touring & talking without doing anything other than collecting funds for unnecessary wasteful projects.
A good exercise for any Youth Leader would be to do this review against the Immediate Needs of the Community (as opposed to the businesses) to check to see if Constitutional Entitlements are being provided for.
What do you look for in a Leader & how do these qualities solve problems of Immediate need as well as Long Term Needs of balancing Natural Resources within the Community's Carrying Capacity.
TO DO: Make a list of why you like Leaders with Integrity, Credibility or Influence. What is it that they do or don't do that you like?
Then we'll discuss what Leaders do that make them Valuable in any Community.