1. The Technocrat: He is the man who without access to public funds, successfully built a brand in less than 10 years from zero level to Superbrand status.
2. The Democrat: He is the man who has proven himself a tested, trusted and tried democrat. We cannot forget how he was thrown into detention and almost lost his life for the June 12 struggle. He was also forced into exile in London.
3 The Media Icon: He is the man who has contributed over 2,000 essays to national discourse on all issues affecting Nigeria. He has caused a major revolution in African publishing.
4. Mr. Integrity: He is the man who stands proven in business as an enterprise builder committed to the values of integrity. No business has ever failed in his hands. His business associates attest to his uprightness and he has made a success of all his business concerns.
5. Mr. Transparency: He is a true homeboy who has made his personal life and conduct open to all without pretending to be who he is not. Our Bob Dee: friend of the rich; brother to the poor.
6. A Large Heart: He is the dream builder and philanthropist who within his modest resources has empowered others to stand on their own.
7. A Global Citizen: He is a world-traveller, a worthy son of Africa, and ambassador plenipotentiary for Nigeria. A friend of many nations, respected by presidents and world leaders.
8. A Worthy Protege: He is the loyal godson of Nigeria's martyr of democracy and has become MKO Abiola's biggest gift to Nigerian politics.
9. The Underrated: He is the dark horse but now the game-changer in Nigerian politics. He is the man who holds the key to the new Nigeria of our dreams. He remains resolute and motivated by the possibilities available for a new Nigeria.
10. Harbinger of Change: He is the embodiment of HOPE in a new Nigeria; the symbol of unity for a one Nigeria.