The Wealth of any generation is contained in its books about the history of preceding generations.
Every challenge we face today as a Nation is part and parcel of the cycles of national existence.
Life is a rhythm and the seasons have a way of coming back.
What we confront today in Nigeria is not mysterious. They are challenges that have been faced, tackled and conquered.
There is a major part of national development that doesn't depend on Government nor Business. Legislation and Corporations don't and cannot solve these aspects.
It takes the participation of citizens in national development for these issues to be resolved.Every challenge we face today as a Nation is part and parcel of the cycles of national existence.
Life is a rhythm and the seasons have a way of coming back.
What we confront today in Nigeria is not mysterious. They are challenges that have been faced, tackled and conquered.
There is a major part of national development that doesn't depend on Government nor Business. Legislation and Corporations don't and cannot solve these aspects.
Businesses must compete on a daily basis for customers. They must cut costs and improve efficiency to make a profit and stay in business. Nor can government solve all our problems. Government officials often are too distant from the details to be effective. Sometimes those in authority do not care about nor understand the problems people face.
It takes citizen volunteerism and service in what is popularly known today as community organisation to effect the change.
Community organisation is the art and also the science of building the power of a group to change their world.
It is how seemingly helpless isolated individuals have formed powerful groups that have effected major changes
It was the French philosopher Alexis de Tocqueville who noted in his travels to the United States in the early 1800s, Americans, unlike Europeans, build community organisations to deal with their problems. He noted that part of the genius of America has been their ability to form grassroots groups to solve problems. This science and art helped in producing the greatest nation on the earth today.
You can make that change.